Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/11 Impact on Air Travel

                After 9-11-01, the United States was getting less people flying in from overseas. They also got stricter on the security requirements for checking visas.  Studies showed that pre-9/11 air travel never returned to its’ original trend after the tragedy took place until 2004. Major airlines declared bankruptcy after 9/11. The airline industry was already in trouble before September 11th had happened.  Items banned from air travel include any sharp objects, sporting goods, guns, tools, martial arts weapons, and any other dangerous objects. After this event, U.S airlines laid off 80,000 workers. 9/11 had a major effect on the economy and the airlines are still recovering from the $7+ billion they lost. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Country Analysis of Mozambique

Country Analysis of Mozambique
Where do you see Globalization in this story?
Globalization is affecting people in this story because the production of wheat has stopped and it is causing a rise in bread prices. If they were in America, it would be about $20 for a loaf of bread.
 How is Mozambique impacted by Globalization?
Bread is a major source of their food, and if it is too expensive, they will not eat as much and that can lead to starvation and weight problems.
Country analysis

Population: 21,669,278
Life expectancy: about 41 years
TFR: 5.13 children born/woman
Religion: Catholic 23.8%, Muslim 17.8%, Zionist Christian 17.5%, other 17.8%, none 23.1%
Literacy: over 15 and over can read
Independence Day:25 June
Labor force by occupation:
agriculture: 81%
industry: 6%
services: 13%
Population below poverty line: 70%

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Objects from 5 countries

Shirt: Made in Cambodia

Labor by occupation:
agriculture: 67.9%
industry: 12.7%
services: 19.5% (2009 est.)
Unemployment:3.5% (2007 est.)
% below poverty line:31% (2004)

Hair dryer: Made in China

Labor by occupation:
agriculture: 39.5%
industry: 27.2%
services: 33.2% (2008 est.)
% below poverty line:2.8%

Shoes Made in Thailand :

labor by occupation:
agriculture: 42.4%
industry: 19.7%
services: 37.9% (2008 est.)
% below poverty line : 9.6%

 hairspray: made in USA.

Labor by occupation: 
farming, forestry, and fishing: 0.7%
manufacturing, extraction, transportation, and crafts: 20.3%
managerial, professional, and technical: 37.3%
sales and office: 24.2%
other services: 17.6%
unemployment: 9.3%
% below poverty line: 12%

Skirt made in India:

labor by occupation: sales and office: 24.2%
other services: 17.6%
agriculture: 52%
industry: 14%
services: 34%
unemployment: 10.7%
% below poverty line: 25%