Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunnis and Shiites

I think it is somewhat important to know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite. It is a slight difference in beliefs and the areas that they come from. And it’s important to know which side someone is on and who their enemy is. Even though they are from different branches of the same religion, people should know the difference. I would be a little bit offended if someone had mistaken me for a Protestant because it is the same controversy between Catholics and Protestants as it is Sunnis and Shiites.  I would be offended mainly because the beliefs are slightly different and I don’t want me beliefs mistaken. Most people probably don’t know the difference between the two branches of religion, but the difference is complicated. It is basically that they come from different regions and their beliefs slightly differ. They mainly don’t get along because religious differences are hard to settle. If they come from the same basis of one religion, I don’t understand why they are enemies. Also with Christians and Protestants, this problem had started hundreds of years ago but still shouldn’t be continuing today. In a way, it is not that important to know the difference as long it is know that both of the branches follow the basics of the same religion. As long as the beliefs of Muslims are understood, it should really matter too much what group someone is in because few of them actually come from the same region and they are all still Muslim.

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