Monday, October 11, 2010

Israeli - Palestinian Conflict

 In this article I would say that the prime minister reported this news from the more pro-Israel side of the subject. This was reported through an interview with the prime minister of  Israel.  Netanyahu said that his is “willing to gather his government and ask for an additional suspension.” When he says that he is willing, it makes me think that he may be neutral on this topic, but if he is the prime minister of Israel I would imagine that he would want it to be recognized as a Jewish state.  The prime minister thinks the Palestinians are willing to make a step toward the Israelis. Netanyahu says that this might build trust among the Israelis and put an end to the conflict.  I think that some of the story was not reported on the Palestinian side. This article never gave reasons why they may be against Israel becoming a Jewish state, maybe because they believe in freedom of religion. Since this was told in a pro- Israel view, the other side wasn’t really told and maybe Palestine might be somewhat excepting of Israel becoming a Jewish state if they were willing to negotiate.  

Flower, Kevin. (2010, October 10.)  Netanyahu would extend settlement freeze in return for recognition. CNN.

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