Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Battle of the Billionaires: China Vs. India

1. The population in India is not something we think or care about every day because we don’t think it affects us.  We should care about their population because if not enough people are being born, they cannot replace their population so it will decline, or if they are having too many children then their population will increase. They affect us because of their jobs and trading with the United States and these things can cause conflicts with other countries. When the government makes them have small families, it increases sex-selective abortion which is wrong in any case and actually brings religion into effect.

2. I think it is wrong for governments to force China to have small families because eventually they will not have enough people to replace each other and their population will decline greatly. China manufactures many items sold in the U.S. Also; they should have the right to have as many children as they want. Unfair laws may force some of them to move to different countries which would make the population decrease even more. 

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