Thursday, November 4, 2010

World in the Balance- Interactive Map

Density- The highest density on the density map is in India, China, Indonesia, and Central Europe. There are less dense areas like Australia, Russia, Canada, and the Western United States.
        Question:  Why do you think there isn’t a dense population in the left half of China and the right side of China is so vastly populated?
Growth- Population is growing rapidly in South America and in parts of Africa.
            Question: Why do you think population is growing in the part of China that is over populated and has a small family law?
Cities-The United States has a great number of cities and so do Europe, India, and China.
            Question: Why might there not be too many cities in all of Africa?
Water- There is much more fresh water available in the areas that are not very populated.
            Question: if there is much little fresh water available in over populated areas, why do you think people continue to live there and not the places with plenty of water?
Air- We are producing more Carbon dioxide than the plants can replace.
Question: the countries that manufacture the most cars pollute the air most, but cars are used nationwide. Do you think over-population is the problem? Explain why or why not.
Climate- it gets increasingly hot at the North Pole. This is because air pollution.
Question: why do you think China and India aren’t that hot when they are major contributions to air pollution and over-population?
Forests- there are many forests in Canada which is probably why there isn’t a huge population.
Question: if Australia isn’t very populated and there aren’t many forests, what do you think might fill the land if people and nature don’t?
Land- It doesn’t look like China did very much to help housing, roadways, farming, or anything even though they are very populated.
Question: if China is so busy and very populated, why did they not change things to help accommodate to the population?
Habitats- Temperatures seem to be rising slowly because there is a lot of green and the other colors decrease as they get higher temperatures. Coral bleaching seems to happen closer to land.
Question: Coral Bleaching is happening reasonably close to shores or land. How might humans cause this? 

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