Sunday, November 7, 2010

Technology in India

This article is about a banking kiosk run by cell phones that is for Indians with less money. In India, 15 million people are getting cell phones every month. This is an example of globalization because it is connecting more and more people from everywhere. 3G is not connecting people from more places, including Mount Everest. This is good for businesses like the cell phone banking kiosk that was recently made. The kiosk was made for India immigrants to safely store their savings and transfer money home to relatives. This is good because they can open a bank account with their cell phone, which doesn’t have to be an expensive electronic device.  EKO has made a small profit in the last two months from the commission they receive on all the transactions made. I think this is actually a good idea for less fortunate Indians who can’t afford health care and to take care of themselves. And with this banking kiosk, it can help them manage their money responsibly and help out family from a distance. It also helps turn a profit for the owners of this operation. Once this evolves more, it will help many things in the economy.

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