Sunday, November 14, 2010

Containment- Lite

This article is about how China and America want to get along without crossing any lines. President Obama went to China to talk about how India is being aggressive. I think the title Containment – lite means that China cannot keep control on everything and is not being contained. Beijing cannot keep control on the claims of the South Asia Sea. I agree with the author that China should play a part in bringing India and America together. We need to be on good terms with China for trade reasons. China manufactures many items sold in America. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Technology in India

This article is about a banking kiosk run by cell phones that is for Indians with less money. In India, 15 million people are getting cell phones every month. This is an example of globalization because it is connecting more and more people from everywhere. 3G is not connecting people from more places, including Mount Everest. This is good for businesses like the cell phone banking kiosk that was recently made. The kiosk was made for India immigrants to safely store their savings and transfer money home to relatives. This is good because they can open a bank account with their cell phone, which doesn’t have to be an expensive electronic device.  EKO has made a small profit in the last two months from the commission they receive on all the transactions made. I think this is actually a good idea for less fortunate Indians who can’t afford health care and to take care of themselves. And with this banking kiosk, it can help them manage their money responsibly and help out family from a distance. It also helps turn a profit for the owners of this operation. Once this evolves more, it will help many things in the economy.

Outsourcing in India

            Companies in India
Coca Cola
Pizza Hut
UPS India
MetLife India
Kellogg India
AT&T Wireless

 Outsourcing:  is usually when a company takes part of its business and gives it to another company. It has been used lately for technology based companies like helps desks in different locations. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

World in the Balance- Interactive Map

Density- The highest density on the density map is in India, China, Indonesia, and Central Europe. There are less dense areas like Australia, Russia, Canada, and the Western United States.
        Question:  Why do you think there isn’t a dense population in the left half of China and the right side of China is so vastly populated?
Growth- Population is growing rapidly in South America and in parts of Africa.
            Question: Why do you think population is growing in the part of China that is over populated and has a small family law?
Cities-The United States has a great number of cities and so do Europe, India, and China.
            Question: Why might there not be too many cities in all of Africa?
Water- There is much more fresh water available in the areas that are not very populated.
            Question: if there is much little fresh water available in over populated areas, why do you think people continue to live there and not the places with plenty of water?
Air- We are producing more Carbon dioxide than the plants can replace.
Question: the countries that manufacture the most cars pollute the air most, but cars are used nationwide. Do you think over-population is the problem? Explain why or why not.
Climate- it gets increasingly hot at the North Pole. This is because air pollution.
Question: why do you think China and India aren’t that hot when they are major contributions to air pollution and over-population?
Forests- there are many forests in Canada which is probably why there isn’t a huge population.
Question: if Australia isn’t very populated and there aren’t many forests, what do you think might fill the land if people and nature don’t?
Land- It doesn’t look like China did very much to help housing, roadways, farming, or anything even though they are very populated.
Question: if China is so busy and very populated, why did they not change things to help accommodate to the population?
Habitats- Temperatures seem to be rising slowly because there is a lot of green and the other colors decrease as they get higher temperatures. Coral bleaching seems to happen closer to land.
Question: Coral Bleaching is happening reasonably close to shores or land. How might humans cause this? 

The Battle of the Billionaires: China Vs. India

1. The population in India is not something we think or care about every day because we don’t think it affects us.  We should care about their population because if not enough people are being born, they cannot replace their population so it will decline, or if they are having too many children then their population will increase. They affect us because of their jobs and trading with the United States and these things can cause conflicts with other countries. When the government makes them have small families, it increases sex-selective abortion which is wrong in any case and actually brings religion into effect.

2. I think it is wrong for governments to force China to have small families because eventually they will not have enough people to replace each other and their population will decline greatly. China manufactures many items sold in the U.S. Also; they should have the right to have as many children as they want. Unfair laws may force some of them to move to different countries which would make the population decrease even more. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Israeli - Palestinian Conflict

 In this article I would say that the prime minister reported this news from the more pro-Israel side of the subject. This was reported through an interview with the prime minister of  Israel.  Netanyahu said that his is “willing to gather his government and ask for an additional suspension.” When he says that he is willing, it makes me think that he may be neutral on this topic, but if he is the prime minister of Israel I would imagine that he would want it to be recognized as a Jewish state.  The prime minister thinks the Palestinians are willing to make a step toward the Israelis. Netanyahu says that this might build trust among the Israelis and put an end to the conflict.  I think that some of the story was not reported on the Palestinian side. This article never gave reasons why they may be against Israel becoming a Jewish state, maybe because they believe in freedom of religion. Since this was told in a pro- Israel view, the other side wasn’t really told and maybe Palestine might be somewhat excepting of Israel becoming a Jewish state if they were willing to negotiate.  

Flower, Kevin. (2010, October 10.)  Netanyahu would extend settlement freeze in return for recognition. CNN.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunnis and Shiites

I think it is somewhat important to know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite. It is a slight difference in beliefs and the areas that they come from. And it’s important to know which side someone is on and who their enemy is. Even though they are from different branches of the same religion, people should know the difference. I would be a little bit offended if someone had mistaken me for a Protestant because it is the same controversy between Catholics and Protestants as it is Sunnis and Shiites.  I would be offended mainly because the beliefs are slightly different and I don’t want me beliefs mistaken. Most people probably don’t know the difference between the two branches of religion, but the difference is complicated. It is basically that they come from different regions and their beliefs slightly differ. They mainly don’t get along because religious differences are hard to settle. If they come from the same basis of one religion, I don’t understand why they are enemies. Also with Christians and Protestants, this problem had started hundreds of years ago but still shouldn’t be continuing today. In a way, it is not that important to know the difference as long it is know that both of the branches follow the basics of the same religion. As long as the beliefs of Muslims are understood, it should really matter too much what group someone is in because few of them actually come from the same region and they are all still Muslim.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/11 Impact on Air Travel

                After 9-11-01, the United States was getting less people flying in from overseas. They also got stricter on the security requirements for checking visas.  Studies showed that pre-9/11 air travel never returned to its’ original trend after the tragedy took place until 2004. Major airlines declared bankruptcy after 9/11. The airline industry was already in trouble before September 11th had happened.  Items banned from air travel include any sharp objects, sporting goods, guns, tools, martial arts weapons, and any other dangerous objects. After this event, U.S airlines laid off 80,000 workers. 9/11 had a major effect on the economy and the airlines are still recovering from the $7+ billion they lost. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Country Analysis of Mozambique

Country Analysis of Mozambique
Where do you see Globalization in this story?
Globalization is affecting people in this story because the production of wheat has stopped and it is causing a rise in bread prices. If they were in America, it would be about $20 for a loaf of bread.
 How is Mozambique impacted by Globalization?
Bread is a major source of their food, and if it is too expensive, they will not eat as much and that can lead to starvation and weight problems.
Country analysis

Population: 21,669,278
Life expectancy: about 41 years
TFR: 5.13 children born/woman
Religion: Catholic 23.8%, Muslim 17.8%, Zionist Christian 17.5%, other 17.8%, none 23.1%
Literacy: over 15 and over can read
Independence Day:25 June
Labor force by occupation:
agriculture: 81%
industry: 6%
services: 13%
Population below poverty line: 70%

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Objects from 5 countries

Shirt: Made in Cambodia

Labor by occupation:
agriculture: 67.9%
industry: 12.7%
services: 19.5% (2009 est.)
Unemployment:3.5% (2007 est.)
% below poverty line:31% (2004)

Hair dryer: Made in China

Labor by occupation:
agriculture: 39.5%
industry: 27.2%
services: 33.2% (2008 est.)
% below poverty line:2.8%

Shoes Made in Thailand :

labor by occupation:
agriculture: 42.4%
industry: 19.7%
services: 37.9% (2008 est.)
% below poverty line : 9.6%

 hairspray: made in USA.

Labor by occupation: 
farming, forestry, and fishing: 0.7%
manufacturing, extraction, transportation, and crafts: 20.3%
managerial, professional, and technical: 37.3%
sales and office: 24.2%
other services: 17.6%
unemployment: 9.3%
% below poverty line: 12%

Skirt made in India:

labor by occupation: sales and office: 24.2%
other services: 17.6%
agriculture: 52%
industry: 14%
services: 34%
unemployment: 10.7%
% below poverty line: 25%